Thursday, March 10, 2016

Back After A Long Absence

Wow, you say. Fucking Jake's been away for a hell of a long time now. About time the dumb bastard showed up here again.

Ya, well, you'd be right. I was spending entirely too much time on Facebook and was stupidly ignoring folks over here on Google's platform who are probably much smarter than me when it comes to social networking. Mea culpa, dudes.

So, what have I been up to?

Well, I've been spending more time writing, and in fact released two new erotic horror stories earlier this month. So far, they're doing very well. Oddly enough, most of my sales seem to happen on Friday and Saturday nights, but I'm not going to make any assumptions as to why that might be.

I moved last year. The dog loves it now that we're out of an apartment and living in a real house. My girlfriend (who prefers to remain nameless here) likes that there's enough of a yard that we can throw parties. No, nothing fluffy. I'm talking real parties with beer, burgers, wieners, and a dug-in firepit to cook them on.

Right now, I'm working on building an outdoor bar shed. Saw a friend who had one and decided I wanted one, too. The yard's big enough to build one, with lots of room to spare. I'll put up pictures when it's done. :)

The house is big enough that I finally have office space to use for my writing. I no longer have to have a desk in my room to do that, or sit on the couch to do it with the potential for televised distractions. (That never ends well when I'm trying to write and the game is on.)

So, what have you all been up to? Anything interesting? I've just GOT to know!



PS: The new stories are MOAN FOR THE TENTACLE and A DARKER SHADOW. The latter is not tentacle related, but is still very creepy erotic horror. Let me know how you like the new ones when you can! Thanks.

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