Friday, January 17, 2014

Hurray for Flu Shots! (Begone, Tentacles of Illness!)

I've been dealing with a mild version of the flu for the past few days, and am very glad that I got the flu shot, as someone else I know who did not get one has been terribly sick with it for over two weeks now.
I know that people out there don't think that getting a flu shot is particularly important, but it is. My friend has been off work for that entire time, as he can't get his thoughts together enough to actually do work. I know that as an author, I need to be able to think clearly (yes, even tentacle porn needs clear thinking skills) to be able to write the next story and the next.
If I hadn't have gotten that flu shot, I might be going a mile in my friend's shoes, and that just doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun to me, you know?
Anyhow, take care of yourselves everyone. I'm going to curl up on the couch with my dog and my laptop and see if I can't beat out another "...and the Alien Tentacle" story for you all.


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