Sunday, January 19, 2014

Health Update...Bleh

Damned cold has settled into my head. Sore ears, throat, lots of phlegm...
I don't get sick very often but when I do, it really makes an appearance. BAH!
I've never made a very good patient at all. I've always been more along the lines of an impatient, really. I want it all over with, and I want it all over with now. Sadly, it rarely listens to what I want and only does what it wants.
I'm hoping that with plenty of fluids, and not overdoing things, I can get better soon. This doesn't mean I won't be writing, because you can bet your ass I'll be doing that, but I'm not going to push myself the way I normally do.
If you have any suggestions on what I might to do beat this shit, please post them in the comments. If they're not too off-the-wall, I'll give them a try.
Thanks, guys.

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