Sunday, January 19, 2014

What's Forthcoming...

I'm currently working on "Emily and the Alien Tentacle" while also working on a novella, "Laurie and the Alien Tentacle". "Laurie's" taking longer than I anticipated, but that's because it's more involved.

"Emily" should be out for you by the middle of this next week. It's a departure from where the stories have gone previously, but it opens doors for other possibilities in the structure of the stories.

Don't worry -- there'll still be plenty of hot tentacle action and horrific endings to things. I wouldn't dream of taking that away from you.

Anyhow, off to take care of myself and try to get better.


Health Update...Bleh

Damned cold has settled into my head. Sore ears, throat, lots of phlegm...
I don't get sick very often but when I do, it really makes an appearance. BAH!
I've never made a very good patient at all. I've always been more along the lines of an impatient, really. I want it all over with, and I want it all over with now. Sadly, it rarely listens to what I want and only does what it wants.
I'm hoping that with plenty of fluids, and not overdoing things, I can get better soon. This doesn't mean I won't be writing, because you can bet your ass I'll be doing that, but I'm not going to push myself the way I normally do.
If you have any suggestions on what I might to do beat this shit, please post them in the comments. If they're not too off-the-wall, I'll give them a try.
Thanks, guys.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Forthcoming Compendium...

I have decided that once I publish the fourth story in the "...and the Alien Tentacle" series, that I will also package up all four and offer them as a single unit.

It makes more sense to me to do things that way.

I'll keep you posted on further developments.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Finding Venues...

I've been looking for places in which to let folks know about the stories I've written, but all I seem to find out there are the adult sites that deal more in video than literary offerings.

If anyone has any suggestions for appropriate social networking opportunities/sites, I'd love to hear from you!

Many thanks,


Reader Suggestions and Requests...

Some of my readers have contacted me about what I've written so far, asking for certain resolutions regarding particular characters, and I wanted to address this here.
While I can understand why some readers might feel that a character might need its comeuppance, that's not always going to be possible in the continuing thread of the series. These are a certain kind of story, and things don't always turn out as the reader might like them to.
I really am sorry for that kind of disappointment, but that's what it is.
Some of my characters are horrified by what's going on, while others, being a little demented already, tend to embrace what occurs within the story. That's the way it goes.
I hope that you will continue to read my "...and the Alien Tentacle" series, as well as other stories, novellas and novels I may create -- and I'll still want to hear from you as to what you think about them.
Thanks for reading.

Hurray for Flu Shots! (Begone, Tentacles of Illness!)

I've been dealing with a mild version of the flu for the past few days, and am very glad that I got the flu shot, as someone else I know who did not get one has been terribly sick with it for over two weeks now.
I know that people out there don't think that getting a flu shot is particularly important, but it is. My friend has been off work for that entire time, as he can't get his thoughts together enough to actually do work. I know that as an author, I need to be able to think clearly (yes, even tentacle porn needs clear thinking skills) to be able to write the next story and the next.
If I hadn't have gotten that flu shot, I might be going a mile in my friend's shoes, and that just doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun to me, you know?
Anyhow, take care of yourselves everyone. I'm going to curl up on the couch with my dog and my laptop and see if I can't beat out another "...and the Alien Tentacle" story for you all.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The "...and the Alien Tentacle" Series Has Landed!

Hey there, I'm Jake Keplin, the author of the short erotic horror story series that starts with "Bella and the Alien Tentacle" and goes on to "Candi and the Alien Tentacle" and then "Alexis and the Alien Tentacle".
I'm an online gamer, dog lover, anime lover (mostly hentai -- yes, I admit to that), horror lover (HP Lovecraft FTW!), very good beer lover, and a having a very good time lover. I also like to write, so that's where the aforementioned short stories come from.
No, before you ask, I'm not fapping along as I write. I do have some integrity (and who wants to have a sticky keyboard, anyway?) and like to pay attention to my work as I'm writing it.
There are some who have suggested that the aliens come to some kind of vindictive end, but that's not the point of these stories. These are erotic alien takeover plots, and it's more in the vein of the classic "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" than "The War of the Worlds". There isn't going to be some hero who is going to swoop in to save the day. I'm sorry to disappoint you if you were looking for a "happy" ending where humanity wins out, but that's the way it is.
No, I'm not really sorry about that. Shit happens in the worlds I write.
Anyhow, I hope that those of you who aren't too squeamish will enjoy my writing and I look forward to providing you with more material in the very near future.